01-03 Nov 24
The year is coming to its dark season. Ghosts and mythical creatures roam the forests of northern Knight’s Crossing. But in a small camp, travelers gather to celebrate together against the night and to properly end the year. They bring with them long-lost rarities and captivating stories. Come by and bring out your dead!The Event Crew is currently planning all the nice acitivities for you. Stay up to date on this website and the Facebook Group!
🕯️ Arts and Sciences activities
Bring out your Dead: This means your old, forgotten, and failed projects. Share them with us and tell their stories. Whether it’s for our collective amusement (KC Cabinet of Horrors) or to bring them back to life. Maybe you just need the right idea or technique to turn a seemingly lost piece into a magnificent treasure? Perhaps you’ll create the perfect gift for a newcomer? It’s a great opportunity to learn something new together! Plus, we have space for you to showcase and teach your craft.
Show and Tell: Bring your project, Show your project, let’s talk about it!
Celestria’s Class: Lady Celestria de Cerdren is offering one of her famous classes on nailbinding or creating viking necklaces.
🛡️ Armoured Combat is scheduled
⚔  Fencing is planned
Use our open space for the martial activities you love, be it pick-ups, training or an interesting idea you like to realize!
🌒 Other activities
Lady Nadiana is planning some nice activities for you fitting for the environment, also there might be spontaneous activities during the day and evening, mostly depending on the weather.
💰🛌 Accomodation & Pricing
Important! Bring your own full Bedding (there are only blank mattresses)!
Every package includes 2 nights and 5 meals!
  • Adult (16+): 69€
  • Kids (3-15): 59€
  • Shorties (0-2): free (no own bed)

Because the Site is charging us for each person attending (no matter of age and length of stay), we can only provide fixed All-In-packages

🍳 All about Food and Drinks

The site fee includes all the meals offered (Friday evening, Sat/Sun Breakfast, Sat Lunch, Sat FEAST!)
Mistress Gunnhild and Lord Volker will be in charge for your treats!
The site is wet. We are planning to have a bar open for you. Please bring some cash 🙂

Reservations are open, you can find the form in the top menu.
After sending out the form, you will receive payment information from our Reservation Steward within a few days. Deadline for PaymentIf you are unable to use the form, please email our Reservations Steward Baroness Barbara von Krempe reservation@knightscrossing.org
🏡 Where we stay
Jugendfreizeitanlage Meudelfitz
Bleckeder Landstraße
29456 Hitzacker (Elbe)
We are staying in cozy little cabins (multiple people) deep in the woods of northern Germany. In the big main building there are two rooms where we sit, eat and enjoy ourselfes. Outdoors is the wonderful forest and a camp fire place.
More information and pictures can be found here (german): https://jugendfreizeitanlage-meudelfitz.de/Anlage.html
🚙 Traveling to us
The best way is by car! As the site is in the middle of the woods, please see the attached plan for details.

If you are traveling by train, the next train station is „Hitzacker“. From here you will need a taxi or shuttle. We ask you to organize your shuttle with your friends traveling by car as we won’t be able to offer a fix shuttle service.  However, if you need help with this, please contact our reservation steward so we can get it fixed.


We hope to see as many of you as possible 🙂

In Regards for the Event Crew,
Lars, Barbara & Richart